“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~Proverbs 29:18
The Call
I can’t recall the specifics, but I remember feeling led to host a women’s vision board party. At this point, I’d seen a million posts from women offering the benefits of utilizing the She Reads Truth Study Bible and the 100 Days of Believing Bigger Devotional by Marshawn Daniels. I’d also seen posts from women encouraging other women to take a step back and identify what was important to them. And I’m sure we’ve all heard the Steve Harvey clip that says to “write the vision, make it plain.” With the woes that some of the most important women in my life were facing, I felt led to usher them into how I’d sought and obtained so much peace despite the constant struggles that I faced both as a single mother and just as a human on earth.
The Struggles
I won’t lie, I was initially displeased with this ushering from God because I didn’t want to do it. I don’t like to be the center of attention, and I dislike being placed in leadership capacities even more. (See how I made that all about me?) However, God comforted me and reminded me just how much He wanted to bless those closest to me and that this was His way of answering my prayers that I’d been praying in my prayer closet (See: Closet “War Room”‘). What He was requiring was action, and I just couldn’t see me standing in between my folks and their blessings.
The Answer
So I set up the event but gave no details. Surprising to even myself, I didn’t tell my mom, and Lord knows I tell her everything! I leaned in real close to God and followed the instructions that I felt He placed on my heart. And I know He was with me because this was around Christmas time, and I have children. So on top of playing Santa and paying the bills, I also dished out money for the gifts that each woman took home – including the supplies utilized during the vision board party. And needless to say, not one bill or need (or even desire, really) went without in my house. That’s nobody but God’s doing!
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:2-3
The Event
We had a blast. We laughed, talked, played, clowned, praised, prayed, and planned. Ultimately, we came together and collectively worked on ourselves, as individuals. What I have found is that many women, including myself, forget about ourselves in our pursuit of a husband, kids, career goals, etc. By the time we have an empty nest or have obtained all that we’ve set out to pursue, we’re strangers to ourselves, and we lash out and blame everyone else. In reality, the onus is on us – and it always has been.
There’s also the flip side of the coin where we seek a man, kids, or a job to fulfill us in all the ways we require while we don’t even really know what we require and have never so much as learned how to fill our own cups.
If you, like me, have been on either side of that coin, it’s time to pivot. God never required you to give in such a way that made you feel insignificant or undervalued. The goal was never for you to chose them over you; it was to love them as you love yourself. You’re the standard. Simply explained.
The Nitty Gritty
So here’s what we focused on during our vision board party.
- Core values – we wrote four core values that dictate everything that we do. In understanding our roots, we can better understand the fruit that it either a)produces or b)lacks.
- Strengths – we focused on four strengths that we utilize on a daily basis. This was tricky because like many people, we were more easily able to list our weaknesses or shortcomings. This exercise required much thought, and collaboration from the group, to identify and find truth.
- Strengths in relationship (not limited to romantic relationships) – this was funny. The question was simply what four strengths do you possess in a relationship? It can be with kids, a spouse, parents, friends, etc. We have to understand who we become in relation to others because none of us live in a vacuum.
- Words for 2024- we wrote four words that we wanted to describe our year by years’ end.
- We wrote four visions for 2024.
The Why
The idea behind this type of structure for a vision board was tri-fold.
A. I followed what God placed on my heart.
B. We used words and not pretty pictures because we’re seeking sustenance – not aesthetics. Sometimes when you’re working hard for something grander, it means it won’t be pretty. Additionally, the words allowed us to create blueprints because as my sister advised, a goal without a plan is merely a dream.
C. How can you know if you hit your target if you’re not even aware of what you’re aiming at? We used the vision board party to set our aim so that by December 31,2024, we can measure what goals we’ve achieved. If you know any of us, you know that we prayed over each board. Our prayer was simple: We made plans for what we anticipate 2024 will bring us, but where those plans differ from what God has planned, we boldly asked for His plans to supersede ours.
Champion’s Corner
So let me tell you four things that creating a vision board has taught me.
1. God meant it when He said faith without works is dead. | In the past, I’ve often believed that God would do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can imagine, and that is true. The caveat, though, is that I truly believe God will often require something of us. It’s along the same idea that you must give something to receive something. You have to put the work in while having faith. |
2. “God’s word is a lamp unto my feet”. Psalms 119:105 | Some of my dreams/visions are huge. They’re scary, especially for someone such as myself who used to struggle with believing that I was worthy of achieving my dreams. But understanding that God’s word is a lamp unto my feet reminds me that though I may venture into and through areas where my vision fails, my steps will always be guided because God is the lamp. It’s my feet that move me, not my vision because faith is believing in what I cannot yet see! |
3. Preparation is key! | I’m not sure about y’all, but I often ask God for things that I’m not even prepared for. And if He were to send it when I ask, I’d mess over it simply due to the lack of preparation. I’ve often reminded myself how much I hate prep work; however, there are several processes that happen during prep work (I’ll write a post on it later) that if missed, the results can be compromised. There’s truth in being prepared for what you’re praying for! |
4. I need my GPS! | Have y’all heard the saying, “how you do one thing is how you do everything”? For me, that tends to be true. If you’ve ever been anywhere with me, you know that I’m spatially challenged. If you spin me around in a circle, I couldn’t tell you which direction I came from. I’m that way, too, regarding my goals and dreams. I am easily excitable, so everything sort of grabs my attention. Without my vision board, that maps out a clear plan, I can’t fully accomplish the things that are most important to me because my attention is easily diverted. Focusing my attention, though, on the areas that God reveals and directs allows me to navigate closer and closer to living the life that He wrote from me per Jeremiah 29:11! |
And for transparency purposes, I will tell you that my kids created their boards as well! We’re all setting expectations for what we’re expecting of God this year, but also of what is required of us. And it’s an easy way to teach my kids about God and His goodness.
Action Item:
Did you create a vision board for 2024? How do you interpret, “write the vision, make it plain” ?If not, are you thinking of doing one now? I’d love to help! Just leave me a comment, and I got you!