Singleness SinglenessIf you’re anything like me, organization and categorization are hugely impactful as I prepare to process new information. For that very reason, our Four Facets of Focus have been separated so that each facet has its own landing page. So whichever facet you feel you need to focus on is easily accessible and lists all related blog topics. Go ahead, dive in and enjoy! Training is brutal, but the rewards are great. Reminder: Each of the four facets of focus will be addressed utilizing our four core values: faith, integrity, intentionality, and authenticity. This page will focus on blog topics related to Singleness – “The Hook”. Singleness gets a bad rep; however, it’s a pivotal point in each of our lives. In this segment, we’ll talk through different lessons learned during a season of singleness. hhSingleness related blog postsSubconscious vs Me: Prayers from the InsidePerspective is ParamounthhhhhhhJoin me as we take on life, round for round. Together, we’ll champion purpose, parenting, singleness, and healing by using our core values of: faith, integrity, intentionality, and authenticity. The “W” has already been secured, we just gotta get in the ring and bring it home. Click the image below to secure your your place in the ring!Facebook TikTok Instagram